While we obtained a brand new villain in the form of Seska, ssndob ssn 24 me we really didn’t get a chance to know her and to attach to her character. Imagine if this had been done on DS9 or TNG? What if, at the tip of the first season you discovered that Odo or Data had been actually an evil spy despatched there to do nefarious things AND ssnme24 that the whole lot that had been going improper so far could be tied again to him? Right? Now that would have given us an opportunity to attach ourselves to the character and be legitimately shocked when it was revealed that the traitor was in actual fact somebody you loved… Especially when she showed up on the last two episodes after vanishing for many of the season… …maybe they needed individuals to at least acknowledge her..ugh. Okay, ssn24 new domain rant apart, this really units up things for ssnme24 the upcoming story arcs.